Tuesday, June 01, 2004

More Gmail Info...

Phillip over at Engadget is reporting that Gmail will be adding the following features:

- Automatic forwarding of your email to another account
- Plain HTML version of Gmail
- Import/export Contacts

Some of these features are more interesting than others. The plain HTML version of Gmail will allow non Internet Explorer users to use the site as well as making Gmail available on more mobile devices. The last feature, importing and exporting contacts is a huge feature on the path to lowering the pain in switching email accounts.

I have said it before, and I will say it again, the Gmail team should be working hard to create features that make it easy to switch from Hotmail and Yahoo! mail. They need to build utilities that will extract a users mail, contacts, folders (turn them into lables), etc. Lowering switching costs will help drive Gmail adoption.

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