Tuesday, June 08, 2004

And the hits just keep on coming...

Last week a DirecTV exec left the TiVo board, now it appears that DirecTV has sold their equity stake in TiVo. The writing is clearly on the wall that DirecTV plans to launch their sister companies DVR product into the market for testing. TiVo's best bet to get into new homes if this happens is through DVD recorders, but the big problem is that the DVD recorders with TiVo built in cost around $700 bucks, not the price point for mass adoption.

TiVo should really drop their price down to around $99 and start selling through Wal-Mart and other mass merchant channels quickly. While these channels don't exactly fit well with the "Lifestyle brand image" the company has built, it is do or die time, and they need the subscribers.

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