Sunday, April 04, 2004

Great Idea or Just Cool Feature?
Robert Scoble seems to have fallen in love with a "Magic Outlook Folder" that he will use to blog about emails and other items he drops into this folder. The folder apparently will take the contents of an email and automatically post them to his blog. Now Robert has been doing the Blog thing for a LONG time, but I can't imagine that this is as revolutionary as he is making it out to be. He is talking about this changing the world of knowledge management, but I just don't see it. First of all, how many people really blog about their email and want the exact email that they received to be posted on a blog. If bloggers started doing this I would bet their email volume would drop FAST... I know I wouldn't want my messages posted on someone's blog.

One interesting aspect of this "Magic Folder" is how easy it will be for Google to replicate the functionality. With GMAIL getting ready to launch I imagine it would take about 2 days for someone on the GMAIL team to add the Blogger icon and clicking on the icon automatically posts the message to the users blog.

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