Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Broadband keeps on rolling

The Pew Group recently conducted a survey around the continued growth of Broadband use. While much as been written about the explosion of broadband and the market share gains for DSL, I have yet to see the following stat: What percentage of home broadband users regress back to dial-up and for what reasons?

Having lived with a cable modem for 2 years now I hate being on dial-up anywhere. My parents don't have broadband and it is incredibly painful to have to dial-up to get email... heck, I can't even stand broadband that isn't wireless. My point is that as more and more people experience broadband in the home, companies should expect little churn back to dial-up, especially as broadband providers get better at tiering their service (i.e. - you pay only $15 for 1 Mbps, $25 for 3 Mbps, $45 5 Mbps, etc.).

If you have seen the statistics I am interested in please let me know through the comments beneath this posting.

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