Thursday, May 13, 2004

Life Events

When I started this blog I decided that it would be focused on the business issues that technology companies are facing and what is occurring in the markets. There are millions of blogs out there where the author writes about what they had for breakfast, who they dated last night, their favorite color, etc.  I wanted to keep my private life private and I also figured that my life is relatively boring, so why write about it.  Instead I wanted to write about something always on my mind, business / technology issues. Well I have had a crazy 48 hours that have forced me to make my first posting about my life.

On Tuesday night I was headed off to an interview down the Virginia area and when my flight landed I got a call telling me that my wife went into labor and she is only 27 weeks pregnant. I ran to the gate with the last flight to Boston and talked my way on the plane. When I got to the hospital in Boston my wife was on medications to stop the contractions. After a sleepless night the great staff at Beth Israel Hospital and my brave wife were able to slow down the contractions and we are now resting comfortably in the hospital. We hope that our stay here will be long and that our daughter won't be delivered for weeks to come but we are prepared for anything.

I am living my life minute by minute right now.  I expect that there will be some down times where I will post a lot and there will be times when I won't post all that often. I expect that writing will be therapeutic for me; so just bear with me as I bunker down for my extended stay here at the hospital and I settle into a new routine.