Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo! agree on something!

Adam Smith reportedly said when a group of capitalists gather under one roof the talk eventually turns toward collusion against the public. Well today Google announced that they have been working with Yahoo! and Microsoft around search technology... but rather than collude against the public they have taken a major step forward for the good of the public.

While unknown to most of the public, there has been an underground war occurring on the net for the last couple of years... that war is around links. Because of the value of links in search results, people have created programs to create links to their sites. This is especially a problem for popular blogs and bloggers. See if you are a popular blogger you can't link to a site you don't like because that link will HELP that site, Robert Scoble has a good example of that here. Well now the search engines have come up with a way to "disable" the positive impact of a link, and that is great news for consumers. This means that search results will only get better over time. All 3 major engines will observe the same "disable" meta data, so there is a consumer standard!

Adam Smith would be proud!

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